What happened to your joy?
Have you ever asked yourself this question?
Like a puff of smoke joy seems to escape sometimes. Oh, I’m sure it’s more of a gradual exit than that, but it feels as if suddenly you look up and the walls are crumbling around you.
Things were going so good, life was chugging along and then BOOM- darkness sets in.
It could be triggered by an event…death, divorce, job loss, sickness. Maybe something less traumatic invaded your space like the invitation you didn’t get, the clothes that didn’t fit or the comparison trap that swallowed you whole.
Or it could be nothing at all. Your joy just seemed to vaporize.
Paul actually introduced this question in his letter to the churches of Galatia.
What has happened to your joy? Galatians 4:15
or in the NLT:
Where is that joyful and grateful spirit you felt then? Galatians 4:15 NLT
‘Then’ refers to the time when the Galatians heard the good news. The news that they were now included in what was once an exclusive club, now a part of Christ’s family. They were free from the chains of sin, welcome into relationship with Christ. I can only imagine Paul got to see these people on their mountain top high that so often occurs when we have a deep revelation from God. He saw them on fire, full of joy for the Lord.
But Paul left their presence, only to hear word that those now free were falling away, losing their joy.
What happened to the Galatians has happened to me and perhaps you as well. The world stepped in and tried to boss them around. People dangle bright shiny things in their path and they chased them like a cat. They became slaves again to the ways of the world. Believing lies and following self. Joy didn’t leave them as much as they walked away from it.
So…”how do I get joy back?” I ask.
God reassuringly whispers, “go back to where you started.”
I’ve chewed on that question a while now and the same answer keeps coming over me. Go back to where you started. And I know exactly what God is telling me.
Sure I pray, read my bible or do some type of bible study almost every day, but nothing compares to the date God and I have when I am physically using the gifts he gave me. When I paint furniture or get knee deep in a craft project, God meets me there. It’s where we talk, spend time together and the world falls away. Two years ago I discovered this fertile meeting ground. It’s when I fully recognized my gifts came from the Lord and I decided to acknowledge him in them. I have let that precious time and revelation slip, gradually. I allowed my to-do list outweighing my alone time. Slowly walking away from joy.
This scenario is not unique to me. If we look at the disciple Peter in John 21:3 we get a glimpse of the same answer God has given me. At this point in time, Jesus had already been crucified, risen and shown himself to his disciples twice. The third visit is the one that gets my attention. Peter was obviously distraught at losing his friend and teacher, he had just come off the road trip of a lifetime with Jesus and then watched him die. Now what? What was to be the next step? You know Peter’s joy was waning at the very least. Don’t you think the confusion surrounding Jesus’ death hung thick in the air? Threatening to close in on all that Peter knew to be true and label it as lies? And this is what Peter says…
“I’m going out to fish” John 21:3
Jesus found Peter in a boat and he returned to him in boat. Fishing is what Peter was wired to do. Each time Peter’s oars slapped the water they pushed him away from the confusion, away from other’s opinion, away from lies and deceit. For me each coarse grind of sandpaper and every brush stroke brings me closer to the feet of Jesus. I can feel him come to me and say, “Here’s your joy, I’m right here. I never left.”
Our God is immeasurably kind, filling each one of us with individual gifts and talents that allow us to enjoy our life on Earth and serve him at the same time. Whether you paint, cook, sew, run, write, read, take pictures, decorate, dress cute, teach, craft or create God wants you back in your boat. Today. He is saying come away with me and get some rest. Escape the eyes and words of others and focus on your joy, on me. Sometimes we need a physical place of solace for a mental place of rest.
Where did you first encounter Jesus in a meaningful way? What has changed or escaped since then that you can go back to? What can you do today to spend quality time alone with God? Work on an abandoned project, start a new one, sign up for that class you never get around to? Commit your time to the Lord and he will meet you there. And the answer to the tough question of “what happened to your joy?” will slowly find it’s answer.
I love you friends, now go back to where you started.
This is so good! You are so good to share this message and I needed it today. Sharing on Facebook.
Thank you Stacey, I am so thankful it spoke to you. I prayed it would speak to someone!
Wow. Great post Thanks for reminding me to capture joy. Due to on-going pain from a fall and long recovery ahead, I’ve become temporarily isolated from usual routine…social, church, etc. Sewing, listening to Air-1 radio keeps me joyful. It is comforting to sew and praise the Lord in the middle of this season…trusting Him to “redeem the time” knowing His healing is happening daily. “This too shall pass.” I look forward to your encouraging devotions…and your creative ideas.
I’m so sorry about your pain Beth, that is so hard, the in between always is. I hope this season will be a time for you and God to draw close to one another. Prayers for a full recovery
Yes. I am taking advantage of this season to deepen my relationship with the Lord. Thanks for prayers.
Beautifully expressed dear lady. I’m always in awe of the Holy One…..how He shows up in every way. We just moved from Northern CA to Tennessee and I’ve been walking around in a daze some days not knowing where to start, my joy at being in a new home selfishly laying on the floor around me but not in my heart. I NEEDED THIS POST, THIS ACT OF FAITH ON YOUR PART DEARLY. Thank you.
Prayers for you to just jump in and get moving! I know that feeling all to well, start small and work with your eyes lifted! Moving is a hard thing, I hope you begin to feel settled soon. Prayers and Blessings to you and yours.
wise words.
Thank you, He is a wise one 🙂
What a wonderful message! We also need to thank him for our joy when we find it throughout the days and weeks. We tend to forget to acknowledge that without him there is no Joy.
So true, we are quick to complain in the hard times and slow to praise in the good, what a great reminder, thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you, reading this was a wonderful way to start my day. I feel the same way when I’m gardening or just taking the time to look at a sunrise or sunset, I feel God speaking to me and I thank Him for these gifts that bring me peace and serenity and His reminder to appreciate the beauty He provides to us if only we open our eyes and our hearts.
Gardening is wonderful for me too. We have so much to be thankful for, our focus is the key!
I have struggled with joy for the last 6 weeks. We are preparing to move in order to be close to our children and grandchildren. So far there has been no sign of a job for us though. It’s been very hard to “wait” upon the Lord. Each day we are away from them gets more and more difficult as we are a very close family. Would you please keep me in your prayers regarding this — my husband needs a job in this new state so that we can move there. Please pray that a job will open up for him and that we can get moved quickly so that our family can be reunited.
The waiting room is one of the hardest places on Earth for me! I will be honored to lift you and your family in prayer. I know his timing is perfect and while that is hard to remember in the waiting, I hope it will bring you peace that he has a plan.
Thank you so much for the prayers. Our entire family is suffering being apart like this. There are 8 grandchildren, a beautiful daughter-in-law and our son waiting for us to get to Montana with them. Although we talk with them all daily it’s just not the same. My husband and I are close to 70 years old now and we simply don’t have “years” to wait as was asked of Moses, etc.
I’m sure it is tough for all. I hope you are reunited soon!
SO good … the truth written in beautiful words give me JOY! I agree with Susie … a wonderful beginning to my day. Keep ’em coming!! xo
Thanks Anne!
Praise be to God that he does not leave us to ourselves. He gently (and sometimes not so gently) draws us with bands of love and gives us the thing we truly need-himself. “O to grace how great a debtor, Daily I’m constrained to be! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love; Here’s my heart, O take and seal it, Seal it for Thy courts above.”
I love that hymn…thank you for sharing it 🙂
Two thoughts: the enemy absolutely loves to steal our joy. He does it me a lot. When it happens, other things are sure to follow. I try to hide and not be around others. So then the enemy gets me alone. Big mistake on my part. I get isolated from others which then isolates me from God. Second thought: Comparison is the thief of joy. Popular quote attributed to Theodore Roosevelt. Remember that comparison is not just comparing yourself to others but also comparing your life to the way it used to be. Guilty. God moves us from one experience to another and sometimes one lifestyle to another to grow us. We can’t compare our old life to our new one otherwise God can’t teach us anything new if we just sit around being the same. Find JOY that through changes, we are learning new tricks! 😉 Who said old dogs can’t learn new tricks?
I do that too, separate out when I am down and you are right, it’s the worst thing we could do! And comparison is the worst!!! ANd yes, learning and growing is joyful, like Dory we have to just keep swimming…but toward Jesus!
Amen. Thank you
I lost my joy seven years ago when my husband of 52 years died. Through the grace of God He didn’t give up on me and now my joy is back. I’m so grateful and blessed through your blog. Dolores
I am so glad you have pulled through that dark time, I can’t imagine your pain. He never gives up on us, thank you for sharing and reminding me of that!!!
You are so right, sometimes we let the world drag us down. Then i hear a bird sing or see a lovely flower and i know He is there and makes me smile to know how much God loves me.
He does love us so BIG! we have to keep focused on that or the other things will throw us off course.
I love this message! I actually feel this way when I run. I suck at running..it’s not something I feel my body was really made for. But every single time I run I start with a head full of ideas, worries, to do lists, just a big ball of crazy competing with itself and then, because I start to struggle physically, I begin to question whether I can do it and think about how it hurts or how I can barely breath. But…if I continue to push forward at some point my mind is completely clear and I feel completely free…and JOYFUL. When I’m done instead of feeling tired and depleted I feel filled and energized. I never actually thought about it before until reading your post but it’s true. I haven’t run in so long but I’m thinking you just inspired me to get out there again. 🙂
Yes! Clearing your mind and letting God speak is huge and refreshing and empowering, go run sister!!!
Thanks Kim for sharing. I can really relate to what you said. Decorating has always been for me a chance to recharge. I finally realized that it’s because God gives me His joy. I have sometimes thought I was being “selfish” to allow myself time to make little changes around my house but then I came to realize that I’m actually recharging.
Thank you so much for these thoughtful words of encouragement! Ineeded this nudge.
You are so welcome, I hope they get your heart moving in the right direction 🙂
Joy is my word for the year and it’s surprisingly tough to me…hmmm.
Thank you for this! ???? I’m loving the verse of the month too – gives me a place to focus and memorize God’s word so I can draw upon it when especially needed. Thank you for doing that!
It can be such a hard word! But you are so joyful to me 🙂 and yes the verse of the month is about all I can realistically handle right now so it works for us too!
Thank you for this word. It is so timely. I have struggled with a breast cancer diagnosis.it is now after surgery and am mending to prepare for 5 weeks of radiation. I am grateful for this early diagnosis and it wasn’t missed,but I must admit to being overwhelmed at times. I know my God will get me through this and I will try to use it for good. Thank you for helping me remember HE is with me . Now I must find a project for today.????
Linda – I am lifting you in prayer. What a tough battle it must be. I pray you stay strong and snow you are never alone. Please keep me posted on your progress and your projects 🙂
Thank you Kim for this message…I needed this. God bless