Almost a year ago I came across a three tiered shelf at a garage sale. My friend was covered with envy. She really wanted it. I’m sure I should have just given it to her, but for whatever reason I hung on to it.
Last week I was at Goodwill and what do I spy? An almost identical three tiered corner shelf. I immediately knew I had to purchase it for Emily.
As my wheels turned I thought about how fun it would be for us to have a craft day, repurposing our funky shelves to see what different ideas we could come up with.
So here it is….one shelf, two ways.
We each painted our shelf with chalk paint and waxed it**. We both decided on our own to use it sideways instead of standing. I wanted a place for my youngest to organize some of his books in his room. She was looking to corral some scarves and jewelry. There are so many ways you could utilize these fun shelves.
I had the idea of finishing my shelf out with old baseballs. Emily had some great garage sale finds she hung on to for a project just like this. They are old picture frames she placed wallpaper scraps in.
I always find it interesting when I post a project the varying opinions and suggests it will receive. The truth is if I found ten shelves and asked ten friends to transform them there would be ten different results.
There is more than one way to skin a cat, so the kind of gross saying goes.
Why is it then we tend to react so severely when something is not done our way?
What fun would this project day have been if I would have told Emily how to paint her shelf, what it should look like and how to do it? I would never have had the opportunity to be blown away by her creativeness. Unfortunately, I don’t handle all situations with the same open-mindedness.
Those closest to me suffer from my affliction to be right.
The roots of this problem are big ones, mainly pride and dis-trust if I am being honest. Sure sometimes my ideas are good ones or I am able to see an easier way for things to get done, but even then, do I really need to always voice my opinion?
I’m sure my husband, Todd, is sayin’ AMEN about right now.
My girlfriend and I were having this exact conversation about how hard it is in marriage to sit back when you don’t agree with the way your husband is handling a situation and even sometimes when you think his way is flat out wrong. It is so hard. SO HARD!
And I’m not just talking about disagreeing on how he loads the dishwasher (because he will always be wrong there)! I mean big stuff like finances and kids and work situations and helping around the house.
We clearly see the right way, better way, faster way and if we could just handle it ourselves then these would be non issues, right?
It happens in friendships, committees, PTO, bridge club, classrooms, with our kids and even in Sunday school. If you are saddled with another person disagreement is sure to arise.
The bible is clear about how to handle these sticky situations of not seeing eye to eye. It doesn’t say choose your battles, it doesn’t say if you really think your right it’s ok to make waves and it doesn’t say it even matters if you are right (except on Jesus being THE way).
It says:
Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ. Ephesians 5:21
I remember the light bulb moment I had when God revealed this truth to me. It changed the way I handled disagreements with my husband and friends.
The word submit is such a dicey and misunderstood word that I don’t even really want to focus on today. If it helps you, read submit as find peace with one another out of reverence for Christ. Reverence is the word I’m drawn to.
One definition I found and love is that reverence implies profound respect mingled with love, devotion, or awe.
Do you respect the Lord and His ways? Do you love God? Are you devoted to Him? Are you in complete awe of your maker?
If so, then drop having the upper hand all the time.
Have you ever tried having a conversation with your kid (or maybe husband) when the TV was on something they were really into? You know the way they look at you, but aren’t really looking at you or listening to you…they are looking straight through you…focused on the TV behind you.
That’s what I think of when I find myself wanting to tell my husband what he is doing wrong and how to do it my way. I look through him and see Christ on the other side. I give in to God, not my husband.
Submitting out of respect, love and devotion to God, not my husband…because usually in these pivotal moments I don’t have those feelings for Todd. Remember – there are two ways to skin a cat. My way may not even be the right way and it’s likely not the only way. I find that when you back up this submission with prayer, God will cover the situation, good or bad. Even if the person you are submitting to is a non-believer, wrong, stubborn or mean. God will honor when you submit in His name.
With this fresh mindset it’s never about me knowing more than the other person or me trusting the other person is making the best decision. When I chose to make peace instead of a power struggle I am trusting in God’s faithfulness and knowledge.
When you stand back and let the situation unfold in complete trust and reverence you will be blown away by God’s sovereign and creative hand. You’ll see there is always two ways to do things.
Your way and His.
** Make it yourself instructions:
I pre-drilled a hole in the shelf and the baseball with a drill bit slightly smaller than the long screw I was using to hold the ball to the shelf. I used a screw that had threads all the way to the top. Screwing from the inside of the shelf towards the outside I attached the baseball. Before screwing the baseball I laced the screw with Gorilla Glue for a firm hold once attached. Then I touched up the screw head with paint.
This week Hunt & Host is part of a AMAZING Fall Ideas Tour. It kicks off today with a selection of Fall Mantels. All the ideas are new projects and décor from some of the top bloggers around. You can check them out at the links below:
Postcards from the Ridge | All Things Heart and Home
Confessions of a Serial Do-it-Yourselfer | Domestically Speaking
Prodigal Pieces | Housepitality Designs
Mad In Crafts | My Creative Days
Refresh Restyle | 2 Bees in a Pod
Fox Hollow Cottage | Artsy Chicks Rule
Our Southern Home | Restoration Redoux
Savvy Southern Style | Atta Girl Says
H2OBungalow | Cottage at the Crossroads
Today’s Creative Life | Dukes and Duchesses
Hunt & Host | The Interior Frugalista
Sweet Pea | Petticoat Junktion
Thrift Diving | At the Picket Fence
Town and Country Living | Cupcakes and Crinoline
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia | So Much Better With Age
Hi! Your words were just what I needed this morning.
Submit is SUCH a dirty word for me, Lol! My husband is my partner, not my “boss”. But seeing past him (anyone) and submitting to God is REALLY what it’s all about. Thank you for helping me to see that.
Of course we know that doesn’t mean being a doormat either. Which brings me to a very toxic and troubled person in our family… my sister-in-law. Every time she is mad at her brother (my husband) she treats us/me in a vile, verbally abusive manner. I have always “forgiven and forget”, pray for her, and move on. This has gone on for a decade. Enough is enough.
We no longer talk to or go around her. I am so conflicted, as this feels so wrong. She may need professional help, but refuses to think she is in any way wrong- EVER! I don’t know what to do, but we won’t tolerate her controlling behavior anymore. She does it to everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE. Any advice??
Friend, I just soak in your goodness! You have such a gift!!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us! Lunch soon?
So cool that you bought it for your friend. I also love that you both refinished it differently. Such cool ideas. Blessed to be your neighbor at the Ra Ra Linkup today.
Thanks Tara – it was a fun thing to do with a partner in crime 🙂 thank you for stopping by!
I like it. The Baseball is a nice touch.
So glad! Thank you
What a beautiful color and such a great repurpose!
Thank you Mary!
Wow! I had a situation with my husband this morning as I was leaving for work. I’ve been asking God all day to help me not open my mouth, to just let it go. And now I read this and I have tears in my eyes. Thank you for the wisdom. This is my blessing today from the Lord for focusing on Him and not myself and what I think is right or wrong.
I don’t know why things like this always blow my mind but they do. Our God is in the details and cares for us in such sweet ways. I am beyond thankful and blessed he could use me and this space to speak into your life. Blessings to your marriage. It can be so hard but is one of life’s richest blessings in my opinion!