Have you ever noticed how many people pick their nose in their car? Seriously – my husband and I went through a spell swapping unbelievable accounts of grown men and women picking, examining and eating out of their nose while stopped at lights. Everywhere we went we saw this…over and over. Both of us. A lot. It was weird. Look around – you will be amazed, shocked and disgusted. The thing about this odd observation is the protection and safety that glass seemingly gives. Windows somehow feel like barriers to the world outside. I want to look at a few ways to use this simple and odd concept in decorating.
Whenever you display something under or behind glass it’s value and importance seem to go up. Common items become museum worthy. Think of the hands-off, don’t touch feel glass adds to precious gems in a jewelry store. If you have something seemingly ordinary and you are looking for a way to show it off here are a few ideas.
1. Last year on vacation my sons with their hunting eyes found a few things they knew their momma would love. Hank found this fallen birds nest. I love that boy. Sadler found this old shell at my grandmothers. The letters were bought by me on a junk outing. All items from our Outer Banks, North Carolina trip. I display them together on this cake stand, under glass. The memories make me happy and the look of it is beautiful. Three things that wouldn’t look like much alone are now showcased with faux importance and it works.
2. Glass front cabinet or china hutch are another example of glass protection and wonder. All my pretties lined up look even better when gussied up by the glare of glass. The same items on an open bookshelf would look good, but there is a different air to the closed off, do not touch feel that glass doors provide.
3. Glass cloches are such a fun way to draw attention to any decorating vignette. I found this glass dome for $2 at a yard sale. (DIY for a little glass cloche here) It is similar to the cake stand concept but a little more universal in terms of decorating. I wouldn’t put the cake stand in the bathroom, but a cloche can go anywhere and you can find them in a variety of sizes. I love that you can layer things under the dome. This is a candle stick with a plate on top, then another plate before the skull.
This glass business works well in the decorating world. I am not so sure about real life though. I have heard it said we should live as though our walls are made of glass. The nose pickers I see all the time tell me that living with glass walls might not be enough. If you’ll dig around your nose behind glass, what might you do behind real walls? Even glass, although seen through adds a layer that makes you feel safe and separate from the eyes of others. Glass takes away all the senses except site. The way we show our innermost heart involves all the senses. I think it has to all be out in the open.
The windows in our home, our car, the screen on our computer and cell phone are all portals to our privacy. What we do behind the protection of that glass can easily lead us to hypocrisy. Not being the same person in front of the glass we are behind it. Lashing out with harsh words or criticism behind the safety of the computer screen when we would never say those things in person. Yes. I’m certain – glass walls still add protection, they are not bare enough!
One of the biggest discrepancies I have in my life, depending on which side of the glass I am on involves my children. It is so easy to get frustrated, react, raise my voice, correct and discipline in ways that aren’t gracious in the comfort of our home. Or in the car behind closed windows. You can talk ugly with a smile. Trust me on this one. The aisles at Target carry a stronger arm of restraint. I can correct my children like a nice calm mom there. At least most of the time. When I can stop myself at home and imagine all the world is watching (like in the store), all senses engaged, I ‘m amazed at the patience that bubbles up in me. We all have parts of our lives like this. Parts that look better behind the protection of glass, the walls of our private places.
My prayer is that I would naturally respond to my children in a kind and pleasing way to the Lord, no matter where we are. Jeremiah 23:24 states ” Can anyone hide in secret places so that I cannot see him?” declares the Lord. That right there is the real truth. God is everywhere, he sees everything. If our aim is to please him we have to remember that. There is no false safety of glass from his eyes. Which is what is so silly about acting one way at home and another in public. He is in both places. Acting differently in one versus the other means we are worried about what man thinks of us, not Christ. Being the same, reacting the same, speaking the same everywhere we go can be really hard. It is a heart change that only Christ can make. It is hard to be the same person everywhere you go. The good news is we have an example to go by. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8. Jesus is our example. I desperately need him to make my heart the same through and through, not just parts and pieces. That when you see me at church I’m the same me you see at the grocery store or baseball field. That my kids never notice I treat them differently at home versus in public. That one group of friends doesn’t get a different version of me than the other.
So for now, I ‘m gonna put my pretty keepsakes under glass because it looks good. But I’m going to work everyday to break the glass around me. To drive with the windows down for all the world to see and hear. Not because it matters what others think but because it is a reflection of a heart sold out for God who has nothing to hide.
Live without the glass! I love that. I needed that reminder this Monday morning.
…one Mom shared with us at CBS…..Her child asked ” Why don’t you use your CBS voice with us?”…….a good reminder Kim…..Thank you
ahhh the sweet cbs voice. If only I lived in that voice. thank you!!!
Amen, sister!!
miss you
You have the most wonderful insight. Your children are truly blessed. I love your hunt cabinet. (And the fabulous tassel hanging from the key
thank you Tammy…you know all tassels in my home stem from you and Mandy!!! My mom makes them with my daughter now. so precious.
Kim, your pictures of decorations are beautiful, but your insight is far more precious. Along the same lines as your post, I’ve been challenged by a book in which I am reading with the kids for their character study, that makes the point of it is at home with our closest neighbors, our family, that we should be the kindness, most gentle, most giving, and sacrificial.
thank you friend. I agree, sometimes those we love get the worst of us :/ what is the book? Would love to take a look at it!!
The Christian Family: Homemaking by J.R. Miller
I’m driving with windows down today and will work harder to do so every day! Thanks Kimmy!! XOXO
Just try not to pick your nose 😉 love you
Oh, how I needed this today. I definitely had a behind the glass moment with my teen last night. I want to be the same – glass shattered at my feet – for all the people in my life. So true – only God can do this and that is my prayer. Thank you so much for sharing!
I love glass too- I have some apothecary jars that things just look better in and miraculously with three boys, only one has gotten broken so far 😉 I love your insight since the true mark of character is really being the same person in all situations. I know I have so much to work on and it is so hard trying to be real and not pretend that everything is perfect while still letting go of all the yucky behavior, especially since it is our hearts that need changing. Thanks so much for sharing!
-Sara, uncommongrace.net
It is so hard. I never want to appear to have it all together, because that would be the biggest joke! So thankful we have forgiveness and second chances. I love that you decorate even with little ones. I think if they grow up around the breakables they just learn to live with them! At least that is how we role at our house! thank you for coming over to the blog!
Thanks for sharing this important reminder at the #HomeMattersParty !
thanks for the party and visit Brittany!
Love your thoughts and posts. It is a blessing that you do “check” yourself in public with the children. When I overhear a Mom in Target or the Airport that is not doing the same it gives me a chance to quietly pray for her that God will give her patience,love,knowledge of His Saving Grace,whatever is needed. Now that my children are grown and I am yet to have Grandchildren it is a sweet thing to be able to give silent prayers to Mom’s out and about. And by the way, I always noticed I used a sweeter voice when the children had playmates over at the house-with the playmates that is! Ha.
What a sweet idea, I know all mamas need prayer and this is just perfect!