January Giveaway plus a free printable!
Y’all. I’m starting off the new year late. I’m sorry about that but not really to much. I gave myself A LOT of grace this holiday season and it has served me well. I made it through the holidays unscathed, head high and ready to hustle in 2018. I highly recommend self grace. That being said this January couldn’t be more different than last. The buzz circles every new year around your “word of the year” and resolutions. Resolutions aren’t my thing, but the word strikes a cord with me. It’s more of a flame to chase like a moth than something to give up or change. God gave me a word (or phrase really) last year and I completely ignored it. I didn’t do it justice, didn’t even really try. And I am keenly aware that I dropped the ball on that one. The great thing about God is, he didn’t give me the word for him, he did it for me and I’m the one who missed out on blessings for not chasing it down. I tell you this because I’m calling a do-over. Call it my mulligan word of the year if you will. God gave me a new word for this year but I’m not done with last year’s yet so I have a double word thing going on. My hope is that if I tell you the words, you will hold me accountable and I will possibly infuse them into your life a little too. (And vice versa. Let me know your word or resolution for 2018 in the comments!) I know the suspense is just killing you at this point…
Last year’s phrase was BE BOLD. This year God told me to BE GENEROUS. There are so many veins for these words to travel though, so many ways to live them out and not just in the obvious definition of the words. We are going to look at these words through out the year and figure out how to bring them to life. The bible memory verses for 2018 are guided by these words and I hope they are a filter I work through moving forward. January kicks off with generosity in the most common sense of the word, with gifts. I have three giveaways planned this month so far and who knows what else might pop up!
The monthly giveaway is the first giveaway and we are doing it a little different than the previous months. Last month’s winner didn’t want the prize! Say what!? I have notified another winner and will go down the list till I find a taker, but I don’t want that to happen again. I want you guys who are excited and anxious to win!!! Seems it was a little to easy too be entered! We will do a raffelcoptor giveaway instead, the difference is you have to “enter”, but the good news is you can actually get multiple entries with this method. This way I will KNOW you want to have these amazing goodies shipped to your doorstep for FREE, no strings, no gimmecks, just me thanking you for being here! Please see below for how to enter and good luck to you!!! If you win, I hope you will consider sharing a picture of you and your goodies once you get them, not necessary, but I’d love to see you! Here is a pic of the contents:
In the meantime be generous with yourself this month, not in a lavish extravagant way, but allow rest and restoration to happen. Say no, read, pray, have a down day. You will be better for all those around you. I’ll encourage you with other ways to be generous as we move forward. This month’s verse encourages me and reminds me generosity is always rewarding. It’s a fact in the bible, generosity is multiplied and always a blessing for the giver. I just love that.
Get your 2018 January free printable here
The January Giveaway Box Contains:
Faithful Finance from Emily G. Stroud, signed by Emily herself! Get your finances in line this year! (my collage friend, I am SO proud, read my interview with her here) That’s us together above at her book launch!
$50 gift card to D. Lawless Hardware online so you can get that project done! I got the pulls for this project there!
Chalkworthy Burnt Umber Soft Wax to help with your furniture projects. Wax tutorial here.
Chip brush
Gold & Silver Paint Pens
To-Do list for your organizing efforts
I prefer to use the Biblical timetable and keep my new year in the spring, so in March my word is CREATE. I am SO excited about my word! It has unbelievable spiritual depth and I know it will CREATE major changes in my life. WooHoo! I appreciate you, sweet lady, and LOVE all the prizes. Thanks so letting me enter the give-a-way!
A little down time or creative time is always a good thing. 🙂 I have heard the expression :crafting is cheaper than therapy” and that is true for me. 🙂
Happy New Year!
My word is COURAGE. I didn’t choose it.
My word for 2018 is change. My husband and I will be adopting this year. We are moving positions in our company to accommodate this so we will no longer be working together after 5 years. We are changing our perspective on a difficult situation this year and we are really changing our involvement if church from a “pew warmer” to a servant and being part of a new launch team.
ps. I’m super excited for the items in the giveaway!!
What a great giveaway, I can’t imagine that it would be rejected! This year is a year for serenity for me. I think crafting (mostly sewing and other fiber stuff) is helpful, and also spending time with the Word. Finances certainly detract, and politics and more. Serenity.
Thanks for the giveaway! I have a phrase I need to stick to this year & it’s Follow Through or Finish things that I start & tend to stop….
My word for this year is Tenacity.
Tenacity in my spiritual life, finances, emotions, health! I’m walking it out right now with a ten day cleansing fast. I am having to remind myself multiple times a day to stay Tenacious!
What a great giveaway! This year I am focusing on taking better care of myself by eating better and exercising more
Thanks for the inspiration and the giveaway!
Word for the year…the first time I have focused on this challenge…is fervent. God has been calling me to participate on a deeper level in several areas of my life. Becoming fervent is the key for me.
Love your choices for a giveaway. My goal is to complete my craft shed and then work on the dozens of projects that are just waiting for some attention.
Peace – I’m scared, but this is the word He gave me. 🙂
My word is WATCH….for God’s “postcards from heaven” daily (the little blessings, “coincidences”, His goodness…… WATCH my behavior……WATCH in prayer. Love this giveaway!
I appreciate this post so much. To say it was timely, is a understatement. I am currently going through some financial growing pains. The word for this year is right on track for me! Something important to mention, it to not begrudge your generosity. Just like complaining after praying, if you begrudge after giving, you cancel out the effectiveness of those faithful acts.
I REALLY needed a scripture to stand on. Thank you so much.
Yes, I would love to receive the wonderful items in the giveaway!
I haven’t asked God to give me a word. I will definitely do this and be listening for his response. Thank you for being open and sharing. Encouraging to have a sister in Christ not only sharing her God given talent but her walk with Christ as well.
My word for the year is SERVE.
I am not sure about the one word for the year yet, but last year was a year of transitions for my family. This year I see as being a year of being intentional about what I do… just not sure if that is the word or if there is one better.
My word for the year is more of a phrase than one word. Done is better than perfect is my new phrase to follow this year.
Trust in Him
Well……I don’t have a word or resolution for the year. Years ago I decided that I have enough guilt in my life without adding more. I just try to start fresh every day & let go of what doesn’t go as planned from the day before.
that’s a good thought,Jenny Young.
My word for 2018 is Courage.
I’m so happy to have found you, and am looking forward to reading your blog and social media posts. My word for this year is Understanding.
Want to have a greater desire to be in the Word of God. I always learn so much and feel the presence of God’s precious Spirit. The financial freedom book looks great as do the rest of the gifts. Can’ t imagine someone not wanting them.
Love your blog, you are an inspiration. My motto for this year will be the mess can wait
exercise more
Great give away that I could really use! My word for the year is going to be purpose. Living with purpose, last October the Lord brought me back from Cardiac Arrest that only 7-10% of the people that experience this live through it. God has a purpose for me and I am going to do my best to live it for Him this year!
I don’t usually have a resolution, but this year I have a couple. I need to clean and organize my craft room. Next I need to finish all the projects I have started. I have a daily goal of doing one project a day. So far so good. Thanks for your encouragement and support! God is Good!
My focus this year is on building a new house. Busy, busy.
Focus! I have zero & zero energy to accomplish. I think up projects & have inspiration but the gas tank is empty to make it to the race.
My word is great! Because everybody is great by it self. And together we can do everything <3
My goals this year are to declutter, organize and to try eating healthier.
Last year was REFRAIN. I successfully quit soda and stopped putting creamer in my coffee. This year is CONNECT. I have first cousins on the east coast who I can barely call acquaintances (I grew up on the west coast). So far in 2018, I’ve reconnected on FB with an uncle, a cousin, and the cousin’s wife.
I’m relaxing – living in the moment!
My word is Peace for 2018 and my resolution is to let the small things go so I can find it.
Pretty much the same resolution as every other year — to lose weight and eat healthier!
To complete all items I have started
I happened to come across your sweet box stenciling video (with your daughter) on FB. I’m excited to scroll through your page to see what other goodies you have shared!
welcome – I am thrilled to have you here!
I haven’t even had time to think of a word yet…Blessed!! My husband of 42 yrs was put in in-home hospice in December and we now have my 81 yr old mother living with us … It will have to be blessed
Word for the year: Restoration!
“Let me know what your word/resolution/goal is for 2018!” I will finish some of my crafty projects!
My goal for this year is better time management.