Wow – what a year it has been. This time last year I was wrapping up a season of intense prayer, asking direction for our family. God delivered in a mighty way with a new job opportunity for my husband. This opportunity also brought the need for us to sell our company. The company my family had built, grown and loved for the last six years. God delivered there too. We spent last December hammering out the details to sell our company to the buyer God brought us. We signed it over on December 31, 2013.
I rolled into the new year excited about this new season of our lives, adjusting to having a husband that now travels frequently and tying up loose ends from the sale of our business. (I did all office/clerical/accounting/phone) We quickly made it to summer and I enjoyed the freedom of not working, hanging out with my kids and having little responsibility. Honestly, I often felt like I left a kid somewhere or lost my purse. Not having a phone ringing all the time, payroll to write or some kind of report due was a massive change in the pace of my life. I truly didn’t realize how much I worked until I didn’t work anymore. I also couldn’t have imagined how thrown off course I would be by this change.
The kids went back to school in the Fall and shortly thereafter I cratered. I found myself anxious, sleepless, restless and really just a mess. I couldn’t process how to get out of this pit. It felt like everyone moved on but me. My (now ex) husband had an exciting new job, he was meeting new people, going cool places, the kids had soccer, choir, acting…you get it. Me? I was folding laundry. My doctor said what I was going through was similar to what empty nesters experience. Who knew!?
I had prayed diligently for all this and had it handed to me on a silver platter – but I never really prayed about me and my role. What life would look like for me. God had been stirring something in me for a while, but I just couldn’t put all the pieces together. Truthfully, I keep putting off even thinking about or giving credit to the way I was feeling. Wasn’t I supposed to be enjoying doing “nothing”? While quietly sitting back and eating my bonbons, inside I was welling up with a desire to create, decorate, design and share it. God gently nudged me with a phone call from a friend. A deep restlessness was swirling around in her too. I had been placed on her heart. She had been on mine as well, but I did not act on the whisper to reach out. I needed that call from her. I needed to feel thought of, reassured and just plain encouraged. I’m so grateful for my friend’s obedience to pick up the phone that day. From then on we met frequently to talk and dream, but mostly to pray together. God tied us together through prayer and spoke into our lives daily over this time. I will share more later, when the time is right, about the abundant gift God gave us to confirm our friendship, our purpose and His will in our lives. We were given the neon sign people pray for. It was during this time Hunt & Host was born. The idea was literally given to me in a blink. Within 30 minutes I had bought the domain name, not knowing for sure what it would look like or even be for, but knowing it held purpose.
This term sums up what we do around our house as a family. We hunt for stuff. We hunt for junk, treasures, fun, projects, memories, ideas, meaning and sometimes even deer. We gather around our kitchen to enjoy whatever we come up with over a great meal. It is a definite pattern we have going on. Somehow God transformed our family concept into a blog. I have prayed and thought on this venture for months now. I feel certain this is what God is calling me to at this time. This platform allows me to be creative, to serve, to encourage others, to do all the things I love, use all the gifts He gave me, for His glory. I had to find a way for decorating, junking, creating and the like to have purpose and not just be a hobby, but a ministry. So, here it is! I am overwhelmed with ideas and thoughts that I can’t wait to share.
The overshadowing piece of this story is that this has all been happening in my 39th year. Struggling with turning 40 would be an understatement. This last year or so has brought about major surgery, hormone changes, knee pain (I’m pretty sure arthritis), diminishing eyesight, as well as more grey hair and wrinkles than I care to talk about! I have been dreading turning 40. It has been this looming number hanging out there, waiting for me, like a dog to a bone. Finally, I have come to a place where I am ready to conquer 40. I am confident with who I am, where I am and where I am going. Oh – who am I kidding!??!? I’m still a train wreck! Terrified of putting myself out there…who am I? what if they hate my thoughts? ideas? ME? I don’t have an art degree, know very little about photography, writing was my worst subject in school, I am far from a computer genius, rarely even get on social media, know nothing official about decorating, never have been to seminary…in short I am professional at NOTHING. How is that for a resume? I don’t even know who I think will read this. It might be a blog to nobody. All I know for sure is that none of that matters (which is easier said than done). I’m called to this and I have to heed the call. I know He will hold my hand and walk me through it. So really, I have confidence through Christ.
This new adventure has sparked a flame for me. It isn’t something I could have or would have done at 30. By 50 it will be totally different. So – today is the day, my 40th birthday. This blog is my birthday gift to myself. I am off into a new decade, a new normal, out of my comfort zone completely and over the top excited to see what God has in store. He always has the best ideas.
awesome sweet friend!! can’t wait to read more …
blessings as you “go forth!”
love you!
Looks amazing!! Can’t wait to see more! So proud of you and your work š
You are AMAZING!!! Happy Birthday to YOU!! I can’t wait to read your blog!
Love this! So excited for your new adventure.
Happy Birthday, Kim! Can’t wait to see what God will do with this š
Excited for you and your new endeavor the Lord has led you to. And may He use it to encourage others too! Way to go!!
I love you so! You bless me and I am delighted to see the new adventure God has for you friend!!
Happy Birthday my sweet friend! So excited for you! Can’t wait to read more! Love your authenticity!
I’m so excited for your new found venture!!
I am so excited that you are willing to share your creative ideas with us……looks great!
You are truly a blessing! You make me cry! So very proud of you.
Happy Birthday to my friend & to H&H!!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Kim! I wish you all the joy today – here’s a birthday hug!! So excited for you and your new endeavor. Blessings to you!
Happy Birthday to you!! And what an amazing birthday gift to yourself. I am not a bit surprised because I know you are a very creative and energetic person. I love what you have done so far and am looking forward to reading the blog often.
I am really excited for you and know that you will use this outlet to further God’s will.
You are AMAZING! I can not wait to see how God is going to use this blog – mighty things are coming, my friend! I love you!
thank you! This is so exciting!
Kim – This is a beautiful blog! I am so happy that you are doing what you love and that you are putting yourself out there and saying things that many of us feel! Much happiness to you and your family in the New Year!
Thank you – I know you have been on a journey this year. I am so glad to hear your mom is doing well. She is such a blessing!
Kim, as I was reading this I was thinking, “She is talking my life — this is exactly what I have been feeling and why I started my blog!” And then I got to this line, “My doctor said what I was going through was similar to what empty nesters experience.” Let’s just say your doctor was right! That restless feeling is a strange place to be. š ā¦ My only child moved 11 hours away to college last fall, and here was I, wandering from room to room wondering what to do and where to start — and more importantly, why. What does He want me to do now? I’m having fun exploring His options, but I do so want it to be more than just “fun.”
Wishing you the very best as you explore this new venture and ministry! I’ll be following your journey!
So glad you stopped by…it does sound like we have a ton in common! I love that about a blog, connecting people across the country! I hope you will visit often and let me know what GOd is doing on your journey. If you ever make it to Texas, you have a Round Top buddy…it is awesome and I would love to have you join us!
Kim, It’s such a wonderful spray of joy reading how you have stepped out in faith, listening to the Lord about what to do in your life. I too am in a similar situation (minus the part about selling a company) but reaching for something more fulfilling that can bring glory to God. You have become my inspiration as teeter on the precipice of beginning my own blog. I wish for a fun ride with lots of blessings.
Carla – Jump friend jump! There is more to blogging than I could have imagined, but I really do love it and I love how the Lord has encouraged me and walked in front of me through this journey. I can’t even begin to tell you how much it means to me that you find any inspiration here…that is my prayer! You’ll have to tell me where you blog so I can follow along if you decide to go over the edge š Much love!
Hi Kim, I came across your blog for the first time today, so to get to know a bit about you, read your Happy Birthday to Me blog. A couple of paragraphs in, I was in tears (Thanks…I think! ). I have just finished my “outside the home” working life after 28 years in January this year and one week later moved to a small country town about 1 1/2 hours drive from the city we have lived most of our 42 years of married life. We moved from a tiny one bed unit to a 3 bedroom rental home on 1/2 acre of property. It is one of God’s blessings to us in which we delight….trees, birds, space, fruit, garden….we are surrounded by His glorious creation instead of brick and cement! We have settled in after a months of hard work on the rundown property and joined a great church fellowship about 15 minutes away. So, so blessed…yet? Just like you expressed in your blog, ” I truly didnāt realize how much I worked until I didnāt work anymore. I also couldnāt have imagined how thrown off course I would be by this change”. This move was so right for us but I have not figured out what my new place in God’s big picture is yet, so felt exactly like you, restless and like everyone else had their life to go on with but not me. (Our boys are grown and married and they & their families live thousands of miles away) So, have been spending time in His word, reading wonderful books, learning to pray in Worship to our wonderful God. I am still unsure as to what He has for me specifically for my future days, but He has shown me to keep loving Him, my fellow believers and to have open heart and hands to minister whenever He brings something comes to my attention. Psalm 90 verse 12 has become a life verse “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”. Thanks SO MUCH for sharing your heart as your writing has been the first I have read that expressed what is happening in my heart.
Isn’t God amazing!? How does he do that…cross paths with just the right person, just when you need it! I am amazed every time. I hope you will rest in this season and listen to Him closely. This journey has been so much fun and felt so good…only because I am in His will. That is such a peaceful feeling, one I wish I had released to long ago. But all in His time. So blessed by your words and thoughts today. Please let me know what God reveals to you in time. Blessings friend!!!
Thanks for taking the time to reply Kim :). Blessings to you on this 1st glorious day of Spring herein Australia and I guess 1st day of Autumn/Fall in the USA!
Well, between your post and Ann Marie’s comment, I read about my own life! God has been guiding me, ok shoving me, to step into a new season of life. My little birds have flown from the nest and I have been in such a dark funk this past year or two.
I love to create, go junkin, and decorate. I started doing a booth a year ago ( happy b-day to me Lol!) and I love it…usually. It’s a lot more work than I thought.
I’m so blessed that our paths have crossed. It’s totally God. It really is. I can’t wait to see what He has planned next!
Walking by Faith, not by sight.
Dear Kim,
I have been reading and spending time with the Lord this morning and contemplating life. My prayer is and was for the Lord to guide me to the next step of His plan for me. I like you just turned a milestone but mine is 50. I have two sons, one is an Officer in the Army and my youngest is 20 and has Autism. After being unemployed, I question what do I have to offer this world? I like to decorate, create pretty out of junk, and be giving towards others, but what do I do with this and glorify The Lord at the same time. My husband has been encouraging me to start a blog, so I took an online class because I don’t know all the in’s and out’s of WordPress (it honestly didn’t help much) and I’m scared to death, but yesterday I stepped out of the boat and started a blog on WordPress and I’m even more frightened because I don’t know how to navigate it yet or even how to put it all together (what’s in my mind) but I’m trusting in the Lord that He will guide me and He did by sending me to your blog. What a blessing. I love your story, your family, and your home. God Bless You! Thank you for sharing and being so honest and real. It’s refreshing! I would be so appreciative of any and all tidbits, do’s and don’ts, must tries and where to go from here.
Warmest Regards,
Krystal Carnahan
krystal – I am so excited for you! Walking out in faith can be so hard, but it is SO rewarding!!! When comments like this come across my screen I am completely overwhelmed and surprised that God would chose to use me in someone’s life. It is such an amazing blessing that you shared with me today. I will tell you blogging has a learning curve, but there is nothing to be scared about. You will figure out what works for you as you move through things. It is a lot like having a baby…there are milestones all along the way. It takes a good 6 months or so to figure out your voice, who you are and what your style is. Even then it still changes. I can tell you that every “break” that has come along in this blog is straight from God. He provides in ways I couldn’t if I tried. Just lay it at his feet daily…which is hard for me to do sometimes!!! Please feel free to e-mail me and I will help if I can. I am no WordPress guru by any stretch. There are lots of groups in facebook that might help and you can google anything! I also suggest posting to link parties to get to know some people in your niche. Best of luck to you! Remember, God did not call you to this just to drop you…he will equip you to your calling! blessings friend, kim
First of all. Happy Birthday to you. Thank you for blogging and all your ideas especially all the scriptures. I ???? Receiving your emails and this morning it was extra special, I really needed a pick me up. Trying to recover from Harvey. You are amazing. You’ve got this 40th blessing. I’m turning 60 in Oct. and I’m excited. Just think of it as more blessings from God.
prayers and blessings to you, recovery will be tough, but I hope you see ggod things come from this trial! Happy birthday to you early š
Wow! I have wondered if I am not “laying up treasure in heaven” with the time I spend on projects and my blog… I’m a Martha for sure. I’m glad to have discovered you.
My spirit SO needed to read your words today. I screenshot many of your phrases so I can āporeā over them later in anticipation of His ināpourāing, uplifting presence.
After my husband left our marriage, I moved to the U.K. A week ago tonight, God released the seed He had implanted so long ago in Canada. Itās lain dormant in my not-so-patient body for 30 years. Iād questioned if Iād fallen out of Godās favour, although I lived faithful to my marriage vows. In my 23 years of singleness, I have not dated, held hands nor kissed a man.
Yahweh saw that my heart was broken; rejected by one man, then dismissed by the entire gender … in two countries.
Last Sunday, I read that Husband was buried the previous day. The book Yahweh has decreed written has begun its birth. Little olā me is a scribe!
Full of doubts, I am. Totally reliant on āI Amā.
Your Words āKindred spirit, Creative twin, Soul sister, Separated by geography aloneā resonate with me.
Thank you for sharing your doubts, your beliefs, your passion, your success and your pitfalls. I am greatly encouraged by todayās Godincidence, finding you and your blog.
=^..^= Mary
blessings to you sweet friend. What a journey and what a faithful example you are. Looking forward to walking with you!