Today I want to plant a seed in your mind…A creative seed to help you change up and freshen up some possibly overlooked treasures in your own home. It is so fun to shop your house for new décor objects. It is free and you can do it in your Pj’s!
A good friend of mine and I just finished up a fun new project with quite a twist. We decorated a room for a new crisis pregnancy maternity home here in town. The entire house had already be put together so beautifully and on an amazingly thin budget by one of my other dear friends. This last room just needed to be finished.
I say twist because pretty much everything was donated for the cause, and abundantly so. But sometimes all the donations don’t exactly match, are outdated or just need a freshen up. Our task was to make it all work together. We loved the challenge. One little trick we used in this room is one you can use at your home. A number of artwork pieces were given to us, but none of them went with the overall color scheme in the room. At all. Zip. Zero. Nada.
So we improvised. We started with this:
And ended with this:
You can do the same thing. You know the framed verse you love. The artwork that is the perfect size but that gold just doesn’t work in your house anymore. You can paint any and all of it. Simply take apart your artwork and attack all the parts and pieces your heart desires.
I used regular Creamcoat acrylic paint on the frame mats and homemade chalk paint on the frames. Clear wax adds a finished edge to the pieces and I even used dark wax on some. This is an incredibly easy way to freshen up what you already have without breaking the bank. Plus you get to keep the stuff you love a little longer. So rummage through your closets, attic or wherever your old stuff goes to die and give it a fresh Spring coat!
I just went “shopping in my own home yesterday”…..exact words I used! I need to give some frames a new life…..thanks for the reminder:)
yay…you’ll have to let me know what you found in “your store”!
I love that you made this room so precious and filled it with God’s comforting words. Thanks for making this project seem so easy, especially for someone that NEVER paints. I feel like I can do it too!
thank you Leila! the room really turned out cute, was so fun and easy…my pictures don’t so it justice!
I love working alongside of you my talented sister!!
Bless you for doing this project! I volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center and truly understand how important these tender words can be!
Bless you for volunteering! It was a wonderful project to be a part of for sure.
I have some artwork that needs this exactly. I couldn’t figure out what to do about the wrong color of mats. It hadn’t occured to me to paint them! Thanks for that.