You may have read last week as I recapped my Spring trips to Round Top. I had one specific item on my shopping list… My daughter had a birthday a few weeks ago. She received my mom’s old iPhone as a gift. Now, this was kind of my idea. I really envisioned her using it as an iPod and having the ability to play games. The phone is not hooked up…she can just use it on wifi. It is embarrassing how clueless I was to all she would be able to do with it!!! She is now a texting and face time fanatic. She loves it. It is fun that she gets to keep up with her cousins and Aunt that live out of state and her little friends exchange hilarious dialogue. We did implement some rules though. One rule is her phone doesn’t get to spend the night in her room. It is just to tempting to be on it when she is not allowed. That rule in place however means her device was getting plugged in to the side of my kitchen island. Total eye sore and in the way. I needed a nice hide away spot for her phone to take a recharging breather.On the drive to Round Top my friend and I exchanged our shopping wish list items. I told her I was hoping to find some cigar boxes for a DIY phone charging station. Sure enough…LITERALLY the first booth we stop at has a box full of cigar boxes. It was meant to be. Ten bucks later and I had two perfect cigar boxes for my project. Of course there was more shopping to be done. The pictures below will show you the easy DIY steps to your own charging station plus some fun moments and things we saw on our treasure hunting adventure in Warrenton/Round Top.
To make your own hide away phone charging station just follows these easy steps:
1. Find any kind of old box or crate that fits your décor.
2. Cut a small hole in the back, preferably to the side closest to the outlet you will be using. The hole needs to be large enough to thread the extension cord through.
3. I finished off the hole we cut with some white tape for a more finished look. Not necessary, but it is cleaner looking.
4. Display nicely anywhere in your home! You will the only one to know the double duty your cute décor serves.
5. Now go share this easy project! Please 🙂
Perfection! We are starting the kids’ living space re-model this weekend. Don’t be surprised if you see this repeated! Thanks for sharing!
can’t wait to see what you do !