When I flip through the pages of my favorite magazines my mind does a lot of things.
First my eyes soak in the beautiful photographs of perfectly styled homes. Next, I inspect the pictures to see what elements I have in my own home, or wish I did. Most of the time I simply resolve to the fact that my home will never look as magazine worthy as the spaces adorning the pages of the latest issue of Southern Living.
For starters I decide the rooms featured must all come from professionally designed homes or people in the business of fashion and décor. I also decide given the furniture and accessory selections they obviously have a bottomless pit of a budget.
Pretty quickly I decide that kind of home is out of my reach. It’s just not meant for me. I can’t afford it or put it all meticulously together even if I could. Our home is wonderful, but not magazine worthy.
The truth is homes in magazines aren’t always what they seem. The homes I am highlighting here today are all from non-professional people on tight budgets. They have used creative thrifting and time to curate gorgeous homes that blow my theory out of the water. You should visit them (just click each picture to head to their blog), you’ll see my friends are just ordinary people doing the best with what they’ve got. They could easily be you or me.
As for me God has taken our memory verse from April 2016 and used it to show me a place where preconceived decisions are not mine to make.
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Mark 16:15
When Jesus said this to his disciples it was a revolutionary statement. It brought us into direct relationship with God. We were to be a people included in God’s kingdom. Exclusivity was gone. That was and is a pretty big deal.
As modern day Christians we take this phrase a little for granted. It’s a huge commission to “preach the gospel”, but even crazier is to preach it “to all creation.”
While driving my kiddos to school we were discussing this verse. The morning drive is a good time of day for us to banter about our monthly memory verses. I was asking Sunday School questions like, “who is He?”, “who is them?” “what’s the gospel?”, then I asked my kids who do they think all creation means?
And that’s where God got ME.
Who do I think he means when he says all creation?
Quickly I go down a mental list of foreign countries, different races, different religions and socio-economic groups. Yep, got it. He means everyone and I sincerely believe that.
But really there is a whole group of people I leave out. The people who I decide won’t listen and wouldn’t want to hear what I have to say about Jesus. Those people I believe will never change. I make up my mind that they are who they are and that’s who they’ll be, so why bother. Do I believe the gospel is for them? Absolutely, but the problem is I’m going off my limited knowledge and assumptions. I’m also playing God. The end result: I don’t share the gospel with this segment of creation. The saddest part of this horrible confession is the group I decide for aren’t strangers. No! They are friends and family! They aren’t convicted felons, they are my people.
Do you do this? Am I alone in this confession?
Who am I to say who will have a heart for the Lord and who will not? This wretchedness is hard to admit, but it’s the truth and God called me out on it. He’s good like that. When we hold back on sharing the gospel through word or deed for a reason like this we are essentially saying it’s up to us to change people. It’s up to us to decide who will be saved and who won’t. It’s never up to us and that’s the most beautiful part. All we need to do is be a conduit for God’s love to flow from Heaven to Earth…to everyone. The pressure is off, it’s not our decision.
Preconceived notions are made to be broken. My house or yours could end up on the cover of Better Homes & Gardens. Just as easily that friend or family member I wrote off could have a heart change for Christ. I don’t have to look far to know 180° turns are real. Just a glance in the mirror will do. God is capable. I’m convicted, completely. I have to live out my side of the equation and let God work on his.
So how about we keep on decorating and let Cottage Style Magazine do their job and pick which house to feature, all the while sharing the gospel and letting God decide whose heart is going to soften when.
Whose on board? Can you think of someone you have cut out of “all creation” and start sharing the gospel with them?
I needed this today!
God is in the details!
This is a wonderful post. I love the way you tie the most ordinary things into such thought provoking truth.
Thank you for your sweet words!
Oh girl, this is manna from heaven today………I thank you Lord Jesus for giving Kim the clarity of heart and mind to hear You and speak this to us. I’m ashamed to admit I’m holding some folks in my own family to the “nothing I can do pile,” due to hurt feelings and a big upset. Who am I to do such a thing as this???? Thank you, thank you. BTW, we move from California next week to Tennessee, after 35 years here!
Colleen I have said a prayer that God will go before you on your exciting adventure! I am so glad to hear the words spoke to you. I only share them because I need them so desperately myself!
As I read through this I realized I am guilty too. There are some people I have felt would not want to hear about our Lord. Though lately and especially on my FB page I have just decided if they didn’t want to hear or see it they could just not read my posts. However now that I read this I will say whatever comes into my heart from now on about our Lord, no matter who I am talking to. Thank you I really enjoy your site here and the fact that your share scripture and things like this really makes me happy. God Bless!!
SO glad you are inspired to speak freely. I really believe it’s what we are called to do, but it certainly isn’t always easy and sometimes seems like our words and sharing don’t matter. Thank you for blessing me today.
Wonderful post, thanks for sharing!
I am so thrilled you guys like this post. I was really nervous about sharing it!
I definitely needed to hear this!!! Thank you much for your honesty and insight!
Glad this spoke to you today and thank you for letting me know that it did! Blessings!
God spoke to me about this just now through your post. Thank you!
That is awesome and amazing to me! Glad to be a vessel.
This was so uplifting to me today! Thank you ???? I didn’t realize your post contained messages like this. I usually just “look at the pictures” and think just like you’ve described. In looking forward to your next post!
GLad to brighten your day. Not all my posts have a direct message, it would just be to much for me, but almost all have a touch of my faith woven in. I hope you enjoy it here, so glad to have you
Well said! Thank you for sharing in a way that I can understand.
Your so welcome, I am so glad you feel like the message is clear…sometimes I don’t feel like it is!
Don’t know any of your commenters; never have met any of you but at this moment I feel like you are all my Christian sisters (and brothers?) and feel God’s love through you all. Thank you for today’s post.
Sweet friend we are sisters. The bible says so! You made me smile today. SO thankful for you all, more than you can know!
Thanks so much for this good reminder. God is in the changing business. Sometimes I get frustrated because I’ve literally prayed for years and see no difference in other’s lives but it’s not up to me to change anyone. I need to be faithful to share the truth with love and remember that the Lord never gives up on me as He’s in the process of making changes in my life.
It’s so hard! You are so right…truth in love and let him do the work. I am so guilty of receiving grace and not giving it out in even close to the same measure!
Good stuff – truth and conviction. Thank you, friend, for sharing your heart. This verse is hard and so key for me.
Thank you friend! It’s a hard verse for sure.
Once again (as usual) you’ve delivered a thoughtful word laced with gorgeous images!
I’m blessed by you and be the gifts God has given you.
Just wanted to stop by and let you know~
I am so glad you did. Thank you as always fir your kind words, means the world to me 🙂
Amen! This was a great post. Love is love not bitter or judemental.
Thank you and I agree!
A beautiful post written from the sweetest heart. This may directly apply to homes, but can be a metaphor for life. Bless you for your obedience to teaching the Word through this blog. Women are starving for for what you bring to the table. Keep on keeping on…. Susie from The Chelsea Project
Thank you friend!
Love love love your post
A appreciate that, thank you
My 85 year old Moma says “You can’t pray for someone, then turn around and speak negatively about them. That cancels out your prayers.” We need to pray for them and let God do the rest.
This is so convicting and a good reminder. Thank you, friend! I know we’ve talked about it before, but I love the illustrations you give here. Xoxo
thank you always sweet friend!
Hi Kim! I hope you and your family are well. You certainly are a lovely person, inside and out, and your designs are lovely as well. Thank you so much for sharing yourself and God’s word. I have made many decisions I’ve regretted, but I believe there was a reason and purpose for them, as there is for everything. He ordained our lives and we have to do the best we can and learn from them. Thank you and God bless you!
yes – as long as we learn from mistakes and move forward they are worth it for sure! thank you so much
I agree with everything you’ve said in this lovely post. My problem is, I don’t know where to start. I’m scared I won’t have the right words. I pray everyday to serve the Lord the way I should, then most days, do nothing. Your home and your heart are beautiful???? thank you for lots of encouragement!
Great read Kim, appreciate you sharing! Hope all is well with you and the family.