My friend Melanie is a dependable prayer warrior and woman of wisdom. She has been walking with me on the blogging journey for a few years now and it has been an honor to call her friend. I thought she would be a fitting guest for the last post of my guest series Grow Your Faith. Melanie is a wealth of knowledge and here she will tell you a little bit about how you can delve even deeper into your spiritual growth…
It was really the weirdest thing the way it happened.
Women would approach me in the lobby after church and ask.
Others would send me emails and ask.
One friend–who was planting a church in an unreached part of the country–even asked for this thing.
What were they requesting?
Honestly, it’s a question I get asked more than any other question. This topic is brought up by more women in more settings than any other topic that I ever write about or speak about.
Ready for the question?
It’s simply this… how do I grow deeper and stronger as a believer?
Sometimes, it comes out as something more specific. Here are some of the exact questions I’ve been asked over the years:
“I really don’t know how to pray, but I don’t want anyone else to know. Can you help?”
“I want to have a quiet time with the Lord, but I don’t know where to begin. Can you help me with this?”
“I’ve got a friend who is a new Christian, how can I help her to grow up in the Lord? Do you have any resources?”
“I’d like to feel close to God. How can I do this?”
For the longest time, I would write or type out suggestions and ideas for the women who asked. I’d spend hours sending emails or talking to a lady after a church service or Bible study.
Finally, my very smart husband suggested that I put all of this information into a book that I could give to women. He thought it would save all of us some time (and maybe get him out of the church lobby sooner!)
So, several years ago, I took all of these questions that women had been asking and sending to me and put them into a resource.
It’s a book, a guide, a Bible study, and a practical set of instructions to lead people step by step into closer relationship with the Lord. It’s a plain-written way to move one step closer to God.
It’s not complicated. In fact, it’s written in a very simple format. New believers, new church members, children, youth, and even those “seeking” after God can pick up this resource and put it to use.
Some of the topics that I included are things like:
• How do I start having a quiet time – a daily devotional time with the Lord?
• How can I begin to study the Bible?
• How does prayer work?
• How can I become a person of prayer?
• How does God answer my prayers?
• How can I share my faith and my testimony with others?
• How do I begin to memorize more scripture?
• How can I maintain balance in my relationship with the Lord?
• How can I grow closer to the Lord?
This study has been used by individuals, by small groups, in home studies, and in large groups. Many churches and denominations have put it to use. And, by far, it’s the most requested resource that I’ve ever created.
If you’d like more information about this book, you can read more about it on
Here is an affiliate link: Stepping Closer to the Savior.
Additionally, if you have questions or would like to ask me something about this study, you can email me at [email protected].
My prayer for you and for me is that we will take steps this summer to grow closer to the Lord.
Maybe we can just move one step closer to Him.
Sometimes we make it complicated, but it’s really not.
The Bible tells us to simply, “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to us.” (James 4:8)
Melanie is a Christian blogger, Motivational Speaker, Author, and Marketing and Social Media Consultant. She’s married to Randy and mom to two awesome college students. God’s grace never ceases to amaze her.
You can find out more about Melanie & her ministry at
Hey Kim,
Thanks for sharing my post today!
It’s so fun to partner in ministry with you!
You are an incredible blessing to my life!
Melanie, as I read this it occurred to me that this is a question that needs answering no matter how long we’ve been Christians, so I’m so glad you took the time to put this together. You are such a blessing, my friend!
SO TURE, we can always grow closer!
thank you for sharing Melanie – you are a blessing to me sweet friend
thank you for this post I have struggled off and on for years getting to have a quite time and it always ends up with housework or whatever rears its head! I just come to my wits end with finding or staying put when I try and do devotionals ugh!! Please pray that I can quite myself down to be attentive to what the Lord wants of me~
Melinda, I know the struggle, I will pray you can get settled in!