Tips to love on your favorite blog!
Every other blog post I write is for you. Today is kinda about me. I’m sorry. Really I LOVE to share ideas, creativity and friendship through this space. But today is a little different, I’m letting you see behind the scenes of a blog for a few reasons, the main being I need your help. All your favorite bloggers need your help. The thing is you can’t help if #1 we don’t ask and #2 you don’t know how. Today I’m filling you in on a bunch of stuff I had NO CLUE about when I started blogging a few years ago, so I’m assuming many of you have no idea either! I hope you’ll stick with me on this one because it’s an interesting peek at how the cyber world works and how you can help some of your favorite online friends. You can read more about why I started blogging here.
- We blog because we LOVE it – I’m here to tell you first and foremost the bloggers and online creatives I know blog out of a passionate heart to share whatever gift they are given. It may morph into a career and become mega popular but at the root, we are lead by our passion and call. I can’t fully speak for everyone, but this is what I know to be true of the wonderful people I have met on this journey. That being said everything we do is personal, it’s us putting our hearts and ideas on the line. That can be tender ground at times. I start with this point because it feeds all the others, we share for your good and inspiration, but also for the good of our owns hearts and creativity. Most of us would say we NEED to do what we do or our minds would burst.
- The main points of social media – WOW. I have learned a lot about social media. When God called me to start this blog, I was barely a blip on the social media map, I personally hated Facebook and Pinterest was an occasional fun pastime. I soon realized it’s an integral part of growing a blog and I had to dive in head first if I wanted this little blog to gain any traction. Here are a few things I wish people who don’t use social media professionally knew (and wish I would have known as a regular user). You know when you post a heartfelt essay about something near and dear to you and get two likes (one of which is your mom), then the next person in your Facebook feed posts a picture of an enchilada dinner and gets 250 likes, 30 comments and 5 shares? You’re thinking what the? Do I stink? Do people hate me? Well, I know the feeling, it’s part of why I hated Facebook! I got my feelings hurt. All. the. time. Guess what? That situation isn’t all about people not caring for you or what you had to say. It’s about algorithms. All social media has algorithms they devise in an effort to make you more social and their platform more enjoyable for the user. The algorithms don’t always work out like they should. Basically the more you post, the more likes, comments, shares or interaction and the more active you are on other people’s accounts makes the social algorithms happy and in return cause them to release your posts to more people. They promote what they deem “popular”. You can have 10,000 followers, but they will rarely (if ever, ok really NEVER) all see what you post. The social media channel decides who to show what based on the algorithms it determines. Crazy right? It’s one of the reasons we, as bloggers, post A TON, not to be all in your face, but we are just hoping you see some of it! Believe me, I like to be a fly on the wall in social media sometimes, just scrolling by stuff and not interacting, even when I love what I see. But friends…that’s the same as voting NO, you are telling the algorithm, “I don’t think this is great, don’t show other people.” That’s why it is SO IMPORTANT and we are constantly asking you to share, like, tweet, comment, pin or whatever interaction it is you do. It’s HUGE for us bloggers. Even if you think, “I only have two followers on Pinterest, how can that help her?” Please trust me – it does. It all adds up and makes such a difference to us. If you love a blogger, share their stuff in any way you can. The more you interact with your favorite bloggers or friends (like, pin, etc.) the more you will see them show up in your feed. If you don’t like what someone is posting (blogger or annoying 3rd cousin) you can unfollow them. It’s honestly better to unfollow them than constantly see them and not interact. Maybe these tips will help you personally not feel so ignored and unnoticed on social media. I had no idea before I learned more than I care to know about it. For the record, I still don’t love social media 🙁 Proof that you never know how things will work…this random pic is one of my most popular pins on Pinterest. Feel free to re-pin 😉
- Blog Traffic is Important – We want people to visit our blogs, plan and simple. There are various reasons so I will try to explain a few. A) At least for me…I share a lot of messages God places on my heart and I hope to reach as many as I can with those messages. While reaching one person is enough, everyone is worth saving. The more people who come to this space, the more that will hear the gospel. B) We work really hard to share creative ideas and it just feels good to know our hard work is noticed. C) It’s one of the main ways we make money – I will explain more later. Sharing as mentioned above helps drive traffic to our blog – you can help with that and we would totally appreciate it! The more our readers help drive traffic, the more time we have to bring you great content. Shameless plug…here are my social media accounts you can follow if you don’t already! Please and thank you!
- How do blogs make money? – Some people blog for hobby and some make huge incomes off their blog. Most of us sit somewhere in the middle and make a nice supplemental income for our family. It’s our job. I have set some personal goals for the blog this year and one is to increase my income. Believe it or not outside of the time and money we spend on projects, blogs cost money to run. You have web hosting fees, social media app fees, camera equipment, domain name fees, classes to learn about all this stuff, e-mail fees, the list can go on and on. It’s not a ton of money, but it does add up and the more you make this a job the more it costs. Especially if you are serious about investing in your business. You might be interested to know that most blog posts take HOURS to complete. Between creating the project, photographing it, writing the post then there is the sharing and promoting we do after the post goes live…it’s a lot of work. And we joyfully and willingly share this with you for free, like I said before it’s what we feel called to do!!! So how do we make money to cover those costs and then some? A few ways.
- A) Ads – the ads you see in side bars, across the top or bottom and in posts make us money simply by you seeing them. The more people who see them the more we make…hence the need for traffic. If you click on them we make even more. The ads are shown to you individually based on your personal search history in a very “big brother” sort of way. That means you looking at my blog may see one ad and your friend looking at the exact same thing on her computer will see different ads. Crazy again!
- B) Sponsored Posts – When we use or review a product it’s often for a sponsored post. That means we either got paid or were given free product. I use products I love all the time that are not sponsored. I’m super picky and will only take a sponsor of something I truly like and believe in. Most bloggers are that way, we are getting paid, but will only use things we are honestly proud to promote. We are required to disclose when a post is sponsored. Traffic and followers play in here as well. The more you have the more you can get paid for this type of post. If you notice a post is sponsored we crave comments and interaction even more. Bloggers want to do the best job possible for the brands we love, let them know you love them too!
- C) Affiliate Links – When we give you a supply list or link to products we love they are often affiliate links (we are required to disclose affiliate links as well). It means we have special traceable links and if you make a purchase through that link we’ll get a small commission. I do mean small, usually 3%-7%, sometimes higher. The product cost you exactly the same, the fee is built into the marketing budget for these brands or stores. The amount seems small, but believe it or not it adds up! For example…these tulips (affiliate link), I heart them so much…
- D) We sell stuff – Many bloggers branch out into selling something they create or curate. From handmade items to vintage goodies, e-books and instructional courses these items help add to the income mix. There are some incredibly talented people sharing their wares and knowledge throughout the blogging world. You can find some of the most unique items and gain deep vats of knowledge through these folks, all while supporting someone in a very direct way! I have an Etsy shop where I sell a few items like vintage items, pillows and this shirt I designed… There are other ways bloggers make money but these are the most common venues for revenue. It all adds up and provides the support we need to keep coming at you with fresh FREE content! Your support in any way is appreciated.
- It gets lonely – Any type of work from home job has it’s pros and cons. One of the biggest cons in blogging is the lonely factor (at least I think so). We spend a ton of time behind a screen or working on projects…alone! With no in person co-workers to banter with and bounce ideas off of it can feel really quiet. That’s one reason we LOVE to hear from you…comments, questions, encouragement and just plan old day to day stuff. I love to hear it all. Nothing makes my day more than when a reader friend e-mails or sends pictures of an inspired project or craft they replicated. My heart melts. Every time. I’m guilty of following along on blogs I love and never chiming in, but I’m gonna to work on that! This is also a reason you will hear about bloggers trekking cross country for a blog conference, we go to learn but also just to be around “work” people!
- Unsubscribe – Most bloggers have an e-mail list you can sign up to join. All the latest updates will slide right into your inbox and tap you on the shoulder saying, “open me please!” But guess what!? We pay for mail service based on the number of subscribers. Here is a really crazy request…if you aren’t going to open e-mails from a blogger you signed up with, unsubscribe. I know I’m constantly asking you to join my e-mail list and now telling you to unsubscribe. Hopefully this blog is one you love and you open every e-mail like a kid at Christmas, but if you get e-mails from some blog you don’t love, unsubscribe and let their list be smaller, it’s good for the blogger and actually costs them less money! Now, I understand you may not open every single e-mail, nobody has time for that, I’m referring to the e-mail you get and NEVER open. Unsubscribes used to hurt my feelings, but now I don’t even look at them. I want followers who are vested in the conversation and relationship we are forming here. If it’s not the right place for you I completely understand! E-mail also has hidden algorithms determining what goes in your junk mail or inbox. The more our e-mails are opened and interacted with the less likely they are to fall in the junk pile. Open rates on e-mails are crazy low. For every 1,000 e-mails sent usually only 100-300 of people will actually open the e-mail and even fewer interact and click through. BTW you can subscribe here if you haven’t already 😉
- We blog because we LOVE it – I’m here to tell you first and foremost the bloggers and online creatives I know blog out of a passionate heart to share whatever gift they are given. It may morph into a career and become mega popular but at the root, we are lead by our passion and call. I can’t fully speak for everyone, but this is what I know to be true of the wonderful people I have met on this journey. That being said everything we do is personal, it’s us putting our hearts and ideas on the line. That can be tender ground at times. I start with this point because it feeds all the others, we share for your good and inspiration, but also for the good of our owns hearts and creativity. Most of us would say we NEED to do what we do or our minds would burst.
7. Feedback is Good – Your feedback is awesome. Amazing. Wanted. Needed. Of course, as referenced in #1 this is a often a personal and tender space, so let us down gently if you don’t like something! The truth is we would love to hear what you want to see more or less of. If you have a question chances are someone else does too so ask, we want to be helpful. We aren’t going to agree on everything but when shared with good intentions suggestions, corrections (like when I frequently misspell things) and opinions make for a wonderful, lively space. On that note, we are often a one woman (or man) show and editing gets hard. We misspell and grammar falls to the way side often. I really do know the difference between your and you’re, to and too, there and their, but pumping out multiple posts a week and still paying attention to my husband and children sometimes gets the best of me. 🙂 Grace is welcome!
8. Theft – Dirty word. I know it. Can you even believe this is in the list? You’ve probably heard lots of commotion about musical artist and the fights they have with music share spaces online. Blogging is very similar. Our content is our artwork and it gets stolen. A lot actually. Sometimes innocently and sometimes by big web sites that know the difference. The bottom line is if you see our photography, recipe or project somewhere (social media or internet) and there is not a link giving us credit you are likely looking at stolen content. Please feel free to send us a screen shot or link if you suspect stolen property, we do have means to have it taken down. People stand to make money the same as we do and unfortunately many use other people’s hard work to make free money. If you re-post something or use a picture off our site that is great, as long as you tag and give credit to let people know where to find us. This is the kind of sharing we love, need and appreciate!9. Asking for help is hard – Have you ever asked for help? It’s hard. Pride is a stinker. I want to make this space incredible. I want your cup to be filled here multiple times a week. But the bottom line is it takes a lot to run a successful blog and spread the word about it. I can’t do it alone, nor do I want to, so I’m asking for your help. If you love me and this place at all, in any way shape or form, will you consider all the things I told you about above and help however you feel lead…share, comment, click? If you don’t love my blog take these tips and run to the one you do, they will thank you for it! Thank you isn’t a strong enough phrase for the appreciation I feel. The time you share with me, the sharing you already do and the blessing this space is to me and my family mean the world to me. Thanks for letting me share a little today about how we can work together to bring more creative ideas to the table and let more people know about them. Overall I want to say…don’t be a stranger, let me know you are here by talking, sharing or interacting in some way. I’m asking and it’s hard, especially when you feel alone sometimes.
So tell me…any questions about all this? Anything I left out?
Beautiful post– thanks for sharing your heart and how the blogAsphere works ♥
Thank you, and thanks for reading it!
I do enjoy the ideas you share. Thank you. I admit, I don’t always have time to open every one. People are much more likely to read a blog if it is short and to the point. We are all pressed for time, and want the information at a glance. I know that can take the fun out of blogging, but it is a reality.
I completely understand this! I don’t need you to open every one…I’m talking to the people who have no intention of every opening one. I too am pressed for time, so I get it! I appreciate your feedback and will work on shorter posts, I know this one was a doozey, but lots of info to share today! thanks!
Wow I never knew all the “behind the scenes” details. Kim, your passion and love for the Lord and for what you do is beautifully written in YOUR words. Thanks for sharing this. ????
Thank you DI – I hope this post was helpful and not totally self serving. I hear the Lord telling me ask for help, so I am !!!
Ditto to Di! I LOVE all your ideas, encouragement and help teaching this ‘older’ friend
new things.
Thank you sweeet friend! I appreciate you so much!
I get it! I too sometimes read and don’t comment…too often. Love love love your blog, it brightens my day! Thank you.
Thank you so much! I really am not looking for a pat on the back, just want to know y’all are there! I want to know what you guys like/don’t like, care about and want to see more of. Plus…I want to know about YOU!
Thank you! I had no idea this was so involved. I do love your emails and newsletters, opening each one is a treat! I wish you continued success!
Thank you so much, I promise today was not supposed to be a sob story but just wanted to give ideas about things that are helpful to those with an on-line blog or business! Thank you for your support! I love what I do!
So enlightening! All that information really educated me. I see your life and work in such a beautiful way. Thanks again for your information!
Thank you Sarah – There is a lot that goes into it! I had no idea, which is probably a good thing LOL
I always knew that blogging was hard work, but it sounds like it’s a lot harder than I thought! Keep on blogging, I do enjoy your posts!
This was great! Thanks for letting me know how the blogging world works! I will absolutely be more “engaged” as I love everything you write! XOXO (except, please don’t make me do Pinterest! LOL!)
lol – nobody has to do anything they don’t want!!! I will take the help wherever I can get it and we all do different social media types! Thank you 🙂
Your blog is one of my favorites! Thank you for not being afraid to share your faith through your blog!
Big smiles, thank you and I appreciate your support, thrilled to be serving this way
Wow .. I had no idea .. thank you for sharing. Love your sweet emails and your projects and wish you continued success.
Thanks Carol – it really is a fun thing, it’s just more fun when your friends know what’s going on!!!
All this time, I thought I was the only “like” that mattered! Lol! You know, I am so very proud of you and the way you share what God speaks to you about. Even if I am your Mom, I think you are writing a wonderful blog, so worthy of reading. I have learned so much from you. Keep on posting! Lots of love, Mom
Thanks mom – youre like is definitely one of the most important and I am thankful you are so supportive of all I do…and you are totally prejudice as any mother should be 😉
Thank you for sharing this information. As a person who does not have a smart phone, doesn’t tweet, facebook, instagram, or anything else “techy” I still appreciate all that computers have to offer. Thank you for sharing the nitty gritty of your world of blogging. I love your blog and the avenue it provides for you to share our faith. It always blesses and encourages me to read another believer’s faith story and share in their journey. I will be more aware of responding to posts and try to comment more since I now realize that it does affect your business. Please continue to bless others!!
Thanks Barbara, I don’t want this post to make anyone feel pressure, it’s just information to use as you feel lead. I appreciate you being here and walking this journey with me! Thank you so much!
You’re teaching your own mom?!???? How wonderful! You hang in there and just keep up the good work.
I suppose we can all stand to learn from each other, but I would hardly guess I teach her much 🙂 thanks so much!
Thanks………..didn’t realize we could unintentionally damage someone…………so sorry!
You aren’t damaging at all! These were just meant to be ideas to help support this blog or any other one you may read if you feel lead to do so. I hope no one feels pressure to do the things I mentioned! I am just happy you are here friend!
I appreciate the info. I like to support my favorite blogs in the best way possible. I’m new to your blog and I like what I see and read so far. So many blogs out there, so I choose a few and try to be supportive. I didn’t find your post self serving at all. All good info. Have a blessed week!
Thanks Joyce, I know…there are so many amazing blogs floating around. No one has time to support them all, I appreciate any support I get, but most of all I hope you come and leave inspired. thanks a ton
I love your blog and I am guilty of not faithfully reading it. I just don’t know how you find the time to comment back as busy as you are. I don’t work anymore, my kids are grown up and I’m so busy trying to keep up with everything (mainly trying to keep up with my husband leaving things lying around the house and dog hair). I thank you for everything you write and I’ll try to be a better reader and poster.
Oh Danna, no pressure, life is busy!!!! I too have dog hair (and cat!) plus three littles leaving a string of goodies behind them so I totally get it. I don’t expect anyone, outside of my mom maybe, to read everything! I just wanted to give some info I thought was interesting, esp. about social media, which is so daunting at times! Thank you for all your support!
Excellent post! Very insightful and thanks for sharing! Love your blog and will continue to keep checking in for more great topics and ideas!
Thank you Hope, I am glad the info was useful to you, look forward to having you back here soon
This is fanstastic – I shared on my facebook page as well. Matters of the “blogger” heart. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Kristy, obviously sharing makes my day, as you all to well know! Thanks friend
I do love and read your blog, but I have a hard time expressing myself in comments. I will try harder. Thanks for all your time and effort!
No worries, your presence is a gift regardless of if you speak up…trust me I do it all the time. My hope is just to let you know how things work! Blessings friend
Who knew??? I always read your emails/blog. You have a gift and I look forward to learning from your craft as well as your love for Our Lord!! Never underestimate the power of your ministry – I share often! Wishing you many blessings going forward (big hug!)
so sweet, thank you for the hug and encouragement! I appreciate it greatly!
Thank you for sharing a behind the scenes look. I am guilty of reading, sharing, enjoying your content and never commenting. I can work on that :-). A possible improvement is a little more information in the email subscription as to what the entry is about. Even if I don’t have time to read a blog right when I see the email, I will be more likely to check it out later if I understand more what it is about. Don’t take this in a negative way, sometimes they are clear and sometimes they are a teaser…I am less likely to click a teaser unless I have extra time. Take care & great blog. I truly enjoy am inspired by the work you do!
This is great info – I appreciate and welcome the feedback, I totally get what you are saying and will work on it, thanks a bunch
This was very informative. I love the blog and I love that you love God. I will try to help by always opening your posts. I liked you on facebook too. Keep up the good work and you are appreciated.
Thank you – the Facebook angle is sometimes a stinker! Facebook can be great but so frustrating, I appreciate you joining in there! thank you
Hey Kim,
I’m on your email list and I regularly read your posts.
Sure do appreciate you and all of the hard work and creativity you put into what you do!
You are a blessing to my life!
I know you understand Melanie – you are a great inspiration to me too! Thank you for your support and friendship!
Good info!!!
Thank, glad it helped!
Thanks for the information Kim, I had no clue on how blogging works. I honestly don’t know how you have the time! Kudos for all of you that do blog. Thanks for your positive and heartfelt information that you share! Keep up the good work!
Thanks Tannis – time can be tricky, but this blog gets all the projects I think of in my head out into real life so it’s good for me! I appreciate your support so much
Thanks very informative and i will try to be a better sharer. Sometimes i simply forget, that’s what aging does for you.
lol – you can’t imagine what I forget!!!! Thank you so much Marlene, I always appreciate your kind words and support!
Hi Kim,
Thank you for the behind the scenes look at blogging. Though I can’t read every post that hits my inbox, I do check as many as I can and I enjoy your heart felt sharing. I’ll make a greater effort to read and comment in the future.
I appreciate that – just keep on coming, I hope I can keep on sharing things that make your day!
Loved the post and your sweet, vulnerable heart :-). Very good insight about the person on the other side of the screen. I sometimes feel this way about being a pastor’s wife. When he is facing the congregation and people are yawning or cutting their fingernails or asleep……communication is TWO WAY!!!! It’s discouraging to be the one pouring out with little or bad feedback. Personally, for Lent, I unsubsribed to FIFTEEN blogs because I was finding that my mornings were spent on the computer unproductively. I wanted to focus on the Lord during the season of reflection and repentance. I chose not to unsbuscribe to a few because they are spiritually uplifting to me. You made the cut! Probably the only one not from a ministry. Let THAT sink in for a minute! I will be more diligent in affirming those that feed me. Thank you for letting me know that I need to.
WOW, I totally get all of this and thank you! I think my heart just wants people to not only share with me but share with others to draw them to this space, that’s why I talked so much about social media sharing and interaction. I hope this is a safe place to recommend to people where they get some fun DIY ideas but also a message when they wouldn’t normally be coming to a place like this for one! A pastor’s wife is a tough job…my husband is a preacher’s kid so I know first hand! blessing to you and your family friend!
Thank you, good information!
yay – hope it was helpful!
Thanks so much for sharing all this good information. I’ve never used Pinterest, Instagram, or Titter but I sure do enjoy reading your blog emails. The content that you share is a blessing to me and especially so because I know that you love and serve the Lord.
Thank you Bonnie, I appreciate you being here and it fills me to know this spot fills you 🙂
Dear One: I feel blessed every time I read your posts – they remind me to thank our dear Lord for all of His wonderful blessings every day. You are an instrument of His message, and I thank you for sharing the Word in such a lovely way, and for showing all of us that our creative talents are but one of the many ways that God shares His love. I live by the words, “Let someone see Jesus in me today,” and every time I read your posts, I see Jesus in YOU. Continued blessings . . .
thank you for this, I pray the same thing, that God would use me. I prayed that prayer not that many years ago and it was the most life changing prayer I have ever said. He delights in us and the gifts he poured into us, I wish we all saw that in ourselves more, me included! What a kind Father to let us serve through the things we love. Thank you friend!
Hi Kim, well here I am a few days late! Thank you for all the info, as a non blogger I had no idea all of the “business” issues you and other bloggers face. I am in awe as to the time spent blogging as I spend a lot of time reading every single word you write, (along with other sites I subscribe to). It takes me time to read/see all. I am so happy you are here. Your inspiration and Godly view is so important out here in blogland. I will comment more, pin more and ( no promises about facebook)!! May your Saturday be filled with lots and lots of activity with your family and here in blogland. Blessings and smiles, Emilou ????
Thanks so much, I appreciate any visits and hope the post was just s little peek to the other side. Just being here is enough!!! thank you
I ❤ you and your blog! I don’t know how you do it all, but am sure glad you do!
Thank you friend, not sure I do it all well, but I muddle through 😉
Thank you so much for your lessons so beautifully taught. Just to let you know, I read every e-mail and read what they contain. I learn so much and try to create some of the things you show and describe. You have such a special way of presenting your ideas and you share your faith so boldly. I am not a blogger but I am grateful for those I choose to follow, but I am a creative person and enjoy anything handmade. Now that I “know” you I am going to read all that you have to say even on the topics that normally I wouldn’t read. I’m not sure where I should ask this, but I have never used chalk paint and would like to paint some canning jars, if I only knew exactly what paint you clever ladies use. Thank you!
thank you so much Betty! Here is a link to my chalk paint recipe, it’s really easy and you will want to get crafty soon!
Yes, yes, YES to everything you said! Kuddos for explaining this crazy blog world in a way we can all understand. I had no idea all the time and effort that went into posting – till I tried it myself! Blogging isn’t for sissies! Keep up the great work! I don’t want to miss a post!!!
thank you sweet friend!
Thanks so much for all the information….I had no idea blogging was so involved…..Keep up the good work…we enjoy your efforts.
so glad you liked it – trust me I had no idea either 😉
Hey kim, as a blogger myself, I really loved your words. It is very important that some of us manage to talk about what it is to actually try to make a business out of a blog, what it means in terms of investment and, more importantly, how readers for whom we write can help.
All this being in a “non click-bait” manner. I am so tired of all the stupid posts promising new bloggers they are going to earn a ton just by starting a blog, all the while voluntarily forgetting about why we all start those blogs!
Anyway, thank you! From a recent follower far and away.
yes – those grandiose promises are so disheartening when people jump in thinking it’s easy and quick cash, because that is so not true! I know some catch on a grow super fast, but for most it is a process of love. So glad to have you here.
I recently “stumbled” across your blog. I cannot even remember how. But I’m thankful I found it. I enjoy your posts and appreciate your honesty. I had no idea about all the behind the scenes of blogging and yet I sense God is calling me to start a blog. He’s actually been calling me to do so for quite some time but I’ve been pulling a Moses and giving Him all the reasons why I can not. Sad to say.
So the other day I purchased a domain and template. Now I have to figure out how to use it, learn social media, and come up with a post. Prayers would be appreciated as I’m a tad in over my head. I tell you this as I know you can relate. I’ll be praying for you, too.
Good for you! There is a ton to learn, but if you are called to it you will figure it our and flourish! I understand the excuses, I’ve given God a million! I will absolutely lift prayer for you and feel free to ask any questions, if I can help I am glad to!
Thank you!! Have a great rest of the week:)
LOL. Here’s the correct website
Well said! I love to feature other blogs on my site when I see something spectacular. I will be pinning this post of yours and hoping others will spread it too. It answers a lot of questions.
You are my favorite – thank you for sharing I always appreciate it so much!
Really appreciated this information. I respect the words and info from the bloggers I follow and will be more diligent in my feedback.
thanks so much, we love what we do, but I know it’s hard to understand from the outside looking in!!!
Thank you for sharing this and letting us learn about what takes place with this sort of thing. It was very informative! Also, thank you so much for using your business to do the most important work of all, sharing the gospel. I feel a very humble spirit in you and I know God is blessing you for this very important work you are doing. Thanks for passing that on to me and everyone else it comes into contact with. I am so very glad I found you, I don’t think it was by chance. Have a great day and God bless ????
Thanks for this wonderful post. I am in the middle of getting my blog up and running and these are great things to know now before I “go live”. I hope to have my site up and running by the end of May. Love your website and what you stand for. Can’t wait to see what you show us next!!
Good info…i had no idea the depths of blogging…I knew there had to be more and now I know…I for one will make a point to engage…it’s kinda like a thank you to the blogger????…Be Blessed! ????
I LOVE that you shared the behind the scenes info! I learned a great deal about how to be a good subscriber and to let my favorite bloggers know that I appreciate them. You are appreciated!! God bless!
Hi Kim. I have been following you for many months now and love your blog. Thanks for sharing this information. I know this is an older post but I was so glad to find it. There was so much information I had no clue about and will take heart in the future to be a good “customer.” I always open your posts and find that I learn something each time. Sometimes your inspirational content is just thing I needed to hear at that moment. God bless you and thank you for sharing your passion.
thank you so much for following Linda, these are questions I get a lot so thought it was worth sharing!
Refreshing is the word I think of when I read your blog and see you on Fb. Thanks for all the info and creative ideas. Keep up the great work. I’m sure it is a lot of work. Your passion shows.
Thank you Alice that is such a compliment – I really appreciate it!
You are doing a wonderful job and I enjoy your blog. Appreciate all you do for us. There is so much more than I ever thought.
You are so kind, I just love my community – y’all are the best and mean a ton to me!
This was interesting to know how blogs work. I appreciate you taking the time to explain.
I’m glad you like the article Janelle, it is so interesting and I knew NOTHING before I started so I figured others were like me – I always wondered!
Great read! I often fly by the tons of emails, basically feeling it’s an autobot post, however i will consider how relevant I am to you and someone else be to me. I enjoy your blog and have truly missed your content. Thanks.
thank you Monica – YOU do matter to me in so many ways and I think it is great to know how we can help each other! I appreciate you!
Hi Kim,
Wonderful post for non bloggers and bloggers both! I wonder if you need another blogging friend? As in, I’m extending an offer of friendship if you need me! I’ve been part of an amazing group of bloggers for 4 months, and it is so encouraging and supportive. I’d be glad to tell you about it.
Email me and we can talk!
SO kind friend! I love new friends and have been so blessed over the past years of blogging to have a super solid group of friends that I adore! Its such a great space! xoxo
What a wonderful, heartfelt post! I agree with you that most bloggers blog because we love it. There have been times in the past where I’ve gotten frustrated but overall, I do it because I love it. In my real world, I would drive my friends and family nuts if I talked about every decorating idea I had. But on the blog, I’m sharing with people who want to talk about decorating as much as I do! It’s such a satisfying creative outlet. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
YES! so fun to be in the mix with people who love and appreciate the same things as you. Such a great gift we can join together in a space like this!
Love this! I can relate to a lot of it as a fellow blogger, especially the social media part of it. Thanks so much for sharing it!
I’m so glad I didn’t know going in or I might not have done it and boy that would have been a mistake!! ❤❤❤
Thanks for this post, Kim. I knew some of what you shared, but not all and you clarified a lot of other things for me. Very informative. I’ll try to put into practice your suggestions.
That is so kind thank you Anne – I appreciate you so much