Christmas day is rapidly approaching and I am prayerful you all are prepared with a warm heart to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
If all is on track you would have read Chapters 16 through 20 this week in our book. The Greatest Gift by Ann Voskamp. (affiliate link)
You can catch the other weeks here: Introduction, Week One, Week Two, Week Three, Week five
Each day, as I followed along with Ann’s poetic words, I saw arrows.
Arrows of direction, defense, misdirection, my direction and His direction.
I put a mixed metal and wood arrow together for this week’s project. It is easier than it looks and can be displayed year round. I love that it can be turned any direction…just like us. It’s a simple take on all the string art that is popular right now.
Here are some steps along with my perspective on how the arrow showed itself all week.
December 16
But Jonah gave up and went the opposite direction to get away from the Lord. Jonah 1:3
I feel like Jonah often. I want to turn heels and run when I am called to things that make me uncomfortable, stretched or just plain aren’t on my agenda. Headed off in my direction I find myself in a sinking situation all to often.
Ann says, “He did not abandon you in the ultimate storm of your soul. He will not abandon you in the immediate storm of your now.” We are never alone and God, being the polite soul He is, will let us chose our own way.
Even when he knows better.
Even when He knows it’s going to hurt.
Even when He sees the storm on the horizon.
And when we are ready to follow His arrow, He will gladly hold our hand and turn around with us. Walking through ever storm right beside us.
December 17
Then his people will live there undisturbed, for he will be highly honored around the world. And he will be the source of peace. Micah 5:4-5
“When the King rules your world, you cease to rule or worry. All worry dethrones God. All worry makes you King and God incompetent.” points out Ann.
I see God’s steely arrows slung at my fears. He fights for me.
When I let Him.
His arrows are tipped with victory, a sure win.
When I let them.
The thing is God’s people will never live in peace until they are with Him. Until we all bow down and let his arrows do the talkin’ and we just do the walkin’ He tells us to. The wars are not ours to win or lose.
This is an amazing reminder that love comes down in a tiny baby that goes to blows with the darkness. His arrows are better than mine. I pray I use them more, they are mine for the asking. Only when I allow him to handle my battles will I rest in a land, undisturbed and full of peace.
December 18
I will go in to see the king. Esther 4:16
Esther chose to follow God’s path for her. Scary or not.
“You’ve got gifts that weren’t given to line your life with; they were given to be a lifeline to others – or lose your life.” What a beautiful truth Ann points out.
So Esther made herself a bridge for others by choosing to use her place, her gifts and her life and point them to her maker.
Which way does your arrow point between the following?
Self _____ Selfish
Take ____ Give
Safe _____ Called
World’s direction _____ God’s direction
December 19
There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint… Habakkuk 2:1
Waiting. We always want the arrow to be moving. Direction and quick!
But sometimes God wants our arrow to be still, for us to rest and wait on Him.
I love this chapter, it speaks to me. When Ann says, “The secret of joy is always a matter of focus: a resolute focusing on the Father, not the fears.” I take note.
What direction am I looking? Where am I focusing? Does my arrow need to shift? Does my gaze need discipline upward? Am I waiting or heading out in my own direction?
December 20
Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous in God’s eyes, careful to obey all of the Lord’s commandments and regulations. Luke 1:6
This couple was intentional and obedient to follow God’s word. Even when they weren’t geting their way. Elizabeth thought she was barren.
And then a baby. A pretty important baby. One who would prepare the path for Jesus.
“God meets us right where we don’t believe.” What a true line from Mrs. Voskamp.
We don’t believe we are important enough, good enough or loved enough to be used. Walking in the direction of obedience puts us on the path to fulfuilling the plans God has to use us. Sometimes our job/direction may be to ready something for someone or something bigger than us.
Isn’t that exciting? To know God wants to use you?
In the coming weeks, as you look over your shiny arrow project, I hope you’ll think about the way your arrow is pointed and the never failing defender that leads the way home.
Don’t forget to check out the other Artistic Advent projects: Introduction, Week One, Week Two, Week Three
Beautiful thoughts you shared and I love your arrow project. God bless.